Effective Coaching: Defining Value

Coaching students and mentees often ask how to develop their coaching skills. Newer coaches tend to be concerned with knowing which coaching approaches to use in different situations. More experienced coaches ask about how to be truly masterful in their coaching....

In Search of “Enough”

On pretty days, I love hanging the laundry out to dry as I look out over the pastures and drink in the beauty of this place I call home. It truly is one of the deeply gratifying pleasures in my life. One morning a couple of months ago, I stood at the clothesline,...

Why Coach? Because now, more than ever….

The human heart amazes me. Not the physical heart, although truly, it IS a wonder. No, I mean the emotional center, the gateway to the Soul and to all of Creation. That heart. At a time on this planet when so many human hearts are in pain, there is a growing number of...

Are We There Yet?

If you’ve ever been on a cross- country road trip with children in the car, you have heard the question, “Are we there yet?” Or, the occasional, adult version, “ Aren’t we @#%#@-ing there yet!?!” It’s all about the destination. The outcome. And yet – in real life, you...