How much do you LOVE

Performance Conversations


Any interaction focused on someone’s behavior?

You know what I’m talking about – those conversations where:

One person asks (or tells) another they need to change behavior or improve performance…

Those interactions we’ve been calling

constructive criticism

Or performance corrections

The kinds of conversations most of us tend to avoid and dread.

But here’s the thing: Any interaction on behavior or performance is an

incredible opportunity.


You can invite (vs. demand or coerce) new insights, perspectives, attitudes.


You can help transform touchy topics and use them as springboards to discovery.


You can be in the conversation as a partner vs. enforcer (or hostage)....even with people higher in an organization's hierarchy.

Conversation is about more than the exchange of information.

– Judith Glaser

If you're tired of feeling as if you have to be the bad guy or the mom...

If you cringe at the thought of hurting someone's feelings by being straight with them....

If you hate the waste of time of pro forma performance reviews...

It’s time to turn blah performance conversations into brilliant interactions.

Here’s the good news:

I’ve got you covered

With an  e-book featuring 10 simple shifts you can begin practicing immediately to change the way you view, approach and experience conversations on performance and behavior.

And – did I mention – it’s only $7?