by Lyn Allen | Jul 2, 2013 | Coaching Success |
In NASCAR , the fastest car does not necessarily win the race. It’s true. In coaching, rushing to help your clients reach their goals is like roaring around a racetrack with a dangerously narrow focus on speed alone. Focusing only on speed in a race can cause you to...
by Lyn Allen | Apr 26, 2013 | The Evolution of Coaching, Tips for Coaches |
You know the old saying: That which does not kill you makes you stronger? It expresses the sentiment that challenges are somehow “good for us.” The April, 2013, Heart and Soul of Coaching call explored the topic of challenge, including: What challenge is,...
by Lyn Allen | Mar 28, 2013 | Coaching Success, The Coach's Journey |
They first saw her as they rounded a bend in the path. A small, still figure sitting beside an equally small, still pool of water. She made no move or gave any indication of hearing them approach. Hesitating, they scanned the area for hazards, remembering tales from...
by Lyn Allen | Jun 15, 2012 | Nuts and Bolts, The Evolution of Coaching, Tips for Coaches |
A client who is a coach asked me just the other day how to offer an insight to a coachee. Like many coaches, she was concerned about staying on the right side of the coaching/consulting line. As we explored a specific client scenario, it became clear she was...
by Lyn Allen | Jun 13, 2012 | Nuts and Bolts, Tips for Coaches |
You want your client to have it all and get it all, right? Most coaches do. I know I do. But – and this is a big BUT – your wanting (or needing) your client to get it may actually work against you and your client. In fact, your deep desire to serve can...