by Lyn Allen | Jan 21, 2015 | The Evolution of Coaching, Tips for Coaches |
Coaches love the sweet spot in coaching – that place where a conversation flows easily with clear focus and emergent insights, and all of that leads to decisive action. There’s a feeling of substantive productivity. As a result of this interaction, Something Changes...
by Lyn Allen | Jan 10, 2015 | The Coach's Journey |
Psssst. Yes, you, Coach. You with the huge heart so deeply committed to helping others be their best. It is possible you are – inadvertently – robbing your coachees. (Keep breathing and stay with me here.) When you put the elimination of discomfort ahead of...
by Lyn Allen | Feb 11, 2012 | Tips for Coaches |
One of the characteristics of masterful coaching is the lightness of the coach’s presence. There’s a naturalness, and an ease in the flow between coach and client. And one primary reason for this is the coach stops trying so hard. So my point: Don’t over think it....
by Lyn Allen | Feb 8, 2012 | Tips for Coaches, Uncategorized |
It seems the SIG call last week stirred the pot for some people. (see previous Coaching Mastery posting) Just today, I had an email from a coaching student asking a question I’ve heard many times in many variations, including: Will I ever get there? Do I have what it...
by Lyn Allen | Feb 6, 2012 | Tips for Coaches |
I was present for a truly delicious conversation a few days ago on the Coach Credentialing SIG teleconference. Hosted by Suzee Ebeling, PCC, and facilitated by Jan Austin, MCC, the discussion explored elements of masterful coaching. This topic has been hotly discussed...