by Lyn Allen | Jan 21, 2015 | The Evolution of Coaching, Tips for Coaches |
Coaches love the sweet spot in coaching – that place where a conversation flows easily with clear focus and emergent insights, and all of that leads to decisive action. There’s a feeling of substantive productivity. As a result of this interaction, Something Changes...
by Lyn Allen | Dec 4, 2012 | The Coach's Journey, The Evolution of Coaching |
I just left a voice message for a coach colleague and closed the voice message with, “I love you.” As I moved to the next task on my list, I felt a full-body heart glow and took a moment to savor the feeling. In that moment, a realization dawned: During a...
by Lyn Allen | Jun 14, 2011 | Uncategorized |
The human heart amazes me. Not the physical heart, although truly, it IS a wonder. No, I mean the emotional center, the gateway to the Soul and to all of Creation. That heart. At a time on this planet when so many human hearts are in pain, there is a growing number of...